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How do you define yourself?

How do you define yourself, professionally and personally?

Probably quite multi-faceted, right?

We are complex individuals and we bring all of that richness into our work and lives.

Me, I'm a passionate strategic researcher with international experience spanning over 20 years. I started in the Caribbean. I grew up in Barbados and the UK. As an adult I've also lived in Grenoble and Tours, France and Central Minnesota. I've been in Montreal for over 15 years.

Beyond the countries I've lived and worked in, I have friends and family of so many nationalities, people I can call and chat with in Japan, Serbia, France, Spain... I do research because I'm curious and passionate about people, what drives them and I convert that into real answers for corporations.

In your efforts to be inclusive remember that each professional you encounter only wants their qualifications, experience and unique personal strengths and achievements to be considered equally and may the best person for any role or project win. Simple as that.

I'm glad so many people have awoken to the fact this is too often not the case. Careful not to err in the opposite direction. Reducing people to their physical appearance is never desirable. Doing so with negative intentions just has its origins in a system of exploitation to justify treating a part of the population as inferior so people who considered themselves “good” could sleep at night. It was never true. Acknowledge it and let's move on.

Evaluate each individual fairly and remember, I don’t need special treatment. I have successfully competed all my life. “Pride and industry” is the Barbados motto. I was educated in a meritocracy where the bar was set high. Let's keep the bar high, focus globally on empowering our youth to achieve their highest potential and let’s level the playing field. We are all stronger together.

And you? How do you define yourself?

Below, pictures of two of my favourite places, my first home, Barbados and my current home, Québec.

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